Causes and Prevention for Tuberculosis Disease
Tuberculosis is a common and deadly infectious disease that is mainly caused by mycobacterium. Tuberculosis usually attacks the lungs but can also affect the central nervous system and lymphatic system. The classis symptoms of tuberculosis cough, fever, night sweats and weight loss. The treatment for tuberculosis is difficult because it requires long courses of multiple antibiotics to be taken in order to to cure perfectly from that disease. Nearly one third of the world population is affected by tuberculosis. This disease mainly spreads through the air and those people who have this disease often will cough, sneeze or spit. When this disease becomes active, most cases are affected with pulmonary tuberculosis in which the people will have symptoms like prolonged cough, fever and appetite loss. This disease can be easily transmitted from one person to another person through air in the form of infectious droplets and this disease is generally seemed to be contagious. Tuberculin skin test is performed on the person to diagnose and also to check whether the person is affected with tuberculosis disease or not. The treatment for tuberculosis will mainly used for curing bacterial infections. The prevention for tuberculosis takes two parallel approaches. In the first approach the people who are affected with tuberculosis are identified and then treated. In the second approach the children are vaccinated to protect them from this infectious disease. Only antibiotics are used for adults in order to cure from this infectious disease. So people are advised to take healthy food and live in a clean environment which will in turn help the people to protect from this deadly infectious disease.
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