Power of thoughts in life
Each thought is a prayer and every prayer is answered. So, watch your thoughts. Each thought creates certain vibrations in and around us thereby reaching the Omnipresent naturally. Each prayer is answered as soon as it is said. The effort that we do need to make, however, is in ensuring that all our thoughts are positive so that our prayers do not keep cancelling each other’s effects. Everything that we think about receives energy through our thought. When we accept our power, we also learn to send our power packets to the all that gives us happiness. We stop sending them to those that upset us because we don’t want to energize them and increase their role in our lives. So all you have to do is to believe in your power to create your life afresh and send the right power packets out to the universe. So people should have good thoughts in their mind and there by they can lead a better life for the future.
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